Security and finance

Trust Rubric Law to steer you through the nuances of finance and security with precision and expert legal insight.

At Rubric Law, our dedicated team offers unparalleled expertise in guiding banks, financial institutions, businesses, and individuals through the details of financial law. We provide strategic advice on structuring, negotiation, documentation, compliance, financial restructuring, and dispute resolution.

We act for developers, landlords, and business owners involved in purchase or development projects requiring finance from lenders. Our work includes liaising with lenders’ lawyers to meet their requirements for securing mortgage charges over land or property, ensuring the release of loan funds.

For development projects, we handle construction aspects such as collateral warranties and building contract assignments. We often collaborate with finance brokers, bank teams, and project managers, and we can represent lenders alongside borrowers.

At Rubric Law, we’re here to protect what’s important to you and help your financial ventures thrive by providing personalised legal solutions that stay up to date with the latest regulations.

We advise on:

Inter-creditor arrangements:

Rubric Law makes it easier for businesses to set up agreements that sort out the order and rules for lenders who are lending to the same company.

Inter-creditor agreements, clearly lay out who gets paid first and how everything like loans and security (property or other assets promised as backup for the loan) is handled.

Financial agreements:

Steering through the world of financing options, whether it’s loans, leases, hire-purchase agreements, conditional sales, or block discounting, can seem like a daunting task.

We’re here to carefully draft agreements that protect your interests, ensuring everything aligns with legal requirements.

With our help, you can confidently pick the financial tools that will help your business thrive.

Security documents:

Security documents serve as vital safeguards for lenders in case of borrower default. We can assist you with drafting (if you are a lender) or advising (if you are a borrower) on security arrangements, whether it be mortgages, charges, pledges, or other forms of security.

Looking for legal advice? Please get in touch: